Monday, December 26, 2011
Philippines Flood Disaster Victims Cry For Help
The recent typhoon ‘sendong’ that took place in parts of the Philippines as you’re aware devastated a lot of homes and left so many people dead and homeless, with many losing their hard-earned property. It was really so bad, especially here in Dumaguete City where we’re based.
Also affected are the Badjao tribal people that we’re ministering to. Their case is so pathetic in the sense that no one speaks for them, being a highly marginalized and stigmatized people here in the Philippines. They lost a lot also – many killed by the flood, their sources of livelihood like canoes, which they usually use as their living accommodation washed away, but no one talks about their plight, incidentally.
For your donations, visit our website and follow the instructions there, to do so, just click here: OR here
Thanks so much for your kind response and may the good Lord keep and bless you in Jesus name!
For more information contact, Kanayo & Ngozi Uchime, Nigerian Missionaries in the Philippines, website: email: Tel: +639089857499
(2011 Christmas Party for the Badjao people)
The irony is that they’re not benefitting from the relief materials being distributed at present by the mainline churches and organizations, this is too bad!
During our last Christmas party for them on December 22, most of them complained to us so bitterly by lamenting on their many loses and the little we had couldn’t go around. No one listens to them – they’re not in the plan of the Government, churches or other donor agencies. But we know that they’re in the plan of God!
Based on the foregoing, we’ve decided to open up a special appeal for them, hoping that someone somewhere will hear and come over to help them. They’ve never had a home for themselves being nomadic people and they usually stay along the shorelines, which predisposes them to dangers such as the recent flooding. So the little they’ve is no more!
(The little relief we shared with the Badjao people)
So, please whatever you’ve to share with them, we promise to be a good custodian of that by ensuring that it gets to them adequately. Your one Dollar ($1) or so can make a great difference in their lives.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Christmas 2011: Christian Group Hosts Badjao People in the Philippines
Kingdom Missions Outreach International Inc (KMO-INTER), ( a Christian mission agency based in Dumaguete City, Philippines, Southeast Asia has concluded plans to host the Badjao tribal people in a Christmas party.
Speaking on this development, the Secretary of the organization, Pastor Ben Go Allosa said that the Badjao tribal people deserve such a gesture, “knowing very well that our Lord Jesus Christ also died and resurrected for them.”(KMO missionaries distributing gifts to Badjao tribal people in the Philippines during their 2010 Christmas party)
According to him, the party will be coming up on Thursday, December 22, 2011 and will be held at the Boulevard area along Rizal Avenue by 2 pm, “And we’re using this opportunity to call on well meaning Christian philanthropists, churches and other humanitarian organizations to come and help us host these poor and helpless people in a Christmas party.”
Pastor Allosa noted that the party they hosted for the Badjao tribal people last year is still very fresh in their memory and thereby promised that this year’s event will even be greater than last year’s adding that the only major challenge they’ve is fund to execute the project as a lot is needed for the event. He noted that his organization has decided to host the Badjao people in order to provide them that singular opportunity of joining other Christian in celebrating Christmas, adding that to most of them, this might be their first time of celebrating the great event.
(Some helpless Badjao people, they need your help)
“On how you can support this heavenly project, please visit our website: or send an email to:,” he stated.
Also speaking, the Chairman of the organization, Dr. Success Kanayo Uchime said they’re determined to reach out to these marginalized and often stigmatized Badjao tribal people with the love of Jesus Christ.He stressed that his organization plans to bring the realities of Christmas, which is love according to the Holy Bible live to the Badjao people, “Christmas celebration is for everyone and as such the Badjao are not exempted, that’s the reason why we want them to have a feel of the fun of Christmas.”
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Once more we thank God for His mercies over us here in the Philippines as we continue to look up to Him by faith. God has really been so merciful to us in that He never allowed us to see any evil – praise Him for that!
Our mission van we told you someone gave to us is being put into effective use now, only that it still requires serious fixing for it to be more effective. Please help us pray for the necessary funds for the fixing!
Imagine how time flies, our young church – God’s Presence Fellowship (GPF) is already one year and as a result of this, we are putting together a thanksgiving service on December 4 to mark the day. Also put it in your prayer list and as the Lord blesses you, please make efforts to send us your thanksgiving offering.
Again, our work with the Badjao tribal people has continued unstopped and we've started planning our usual annual Christmas party celebration for them. The very first one we had last year has remained a memorial to lots of them. Please join us in prayer as we plan for the party on Thursday, December 22 at the Boulevard area, Dumaguete City.
You remember we told you of our intended mission furlough for March 2012. Yes, we’re still pursuing it! The good Lord keeps confirming that He wants us to proceed on vacation to Nigeria after over three years of meaningful mission work here in the Philippines. But the only serious challenge before us as we mentioned earlier is the funds to purchase an early ticket, so please help us to pray for the release of funds as early as possible!
(Our last year's Christmas party wit the Badjao tribal people)
Once again, thanks for your prayer support and as usual, we request that you help us mobilize for prayer awareness in your church/fellowships and also to forward this mail to as many Christian friends you have. Or better still to send us emails of your friends that you feel can help us in prayers!
To read our other mission reports, please click here:
Yours in Missions
Kanayo & Ngozi Uchime
(Nigerian Missionaries in the Philippines)
Tel: (GSMs) Kanayo +639089857499 & +639324712532, Ngozi +639283901971, (Office/Home) +63354248345
Visit our websites:, OR
Follow us on Facebook, click here:
Yahoo messengers: OR
Skype Add: success.uchime OR ngozi.ogbu
(NB) To donate to our mission work, please click on this link: OR this
Our mission van we told you someone gave to us is being put into effective use now, only that it still requires serious fixing for it to be more effective. Please help us pray for the necessary funds for the fixing!
Imagine how time flies, our young church – God’s Presence Fellowship (GPF) is already one year and as a result of this, we are putting together a thanksgiving service on December 4 to mark the day. Also put it in your prayer list and as the Lord blesses you, please make efforts to send us your thanksgiving offering.
Again, our work with the Badjao tribal people has continued unstopped and we've started planning our usual annual Christmas party celebration for them. The very first one we had last year has remained a memorial to lots of them. Please join us in prayer as we plan for the party on Thursday, December 22 at the Boulevard area, Dumaguete City.
You remember we told you of our intended mission furlough for March 2012. Yes, we’re still pursuing it! The good Lord keeps confirming that He wants us to proceed on vacation to Nigeria after over three years of meaningful mission work here in the Philippines. But the only serious challenge before us as we mentioned earlier is the funds to purchase an early ticket, so please help us to pray for the release of funds as early as possible!
(Our last year's Christmas party wit the Badjao tribal people)
Once again, thanks for your prayer support and as usual, we request that you help us mobilize for prayer awareness in your church/fellowships and also to forward this mail to as many Christian friends you have. Or better still to send us emails of your friends that you feel can help us in prayers!
To read our other mission reports, please click here:
Yours in Missions
Kanayo & Ngozi Uchime
(Nigerian Missionaries in the Philippines)
Tel: (GSMs) Kanayo +639089857499 & +639324712532, Ngozi +639283901971, (Office/Home) +63354248345
Visit our websites:, OR
Follow us on Facebook, click here:
Yahoo messengers: OR
Skype Add: success.uchime OR ngozi.ogbu
(NB) To donate to our mission work, please click on this link: OR this
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
By Success Kanayo Uchime
Remember, in one of our reports to you, we did mention about our intended mission furlough (vacation) to Nigeria next year. Yes, we really need to retreat a little while after spending three full years here in the mission field. The need for that is so much, first we've to go and say thank you to a whole lot of people who've and are still supporting us, some, have not even seen us before. More so, we also need to go and raise more supporters for greater tasks ahead of us.
(Kanayo with some of our kids!)
Our intended period of travel is end of March 2012, but the greatest challenge before us now is raising funds for our airtickets as we plan to make an advance purchase (at least by this September or October) so it becomes cheaper after all. So, please commit it to prayer as we believe God for sponsors and if the good Lord blesses you as He'll always do, remember to be a blessing to us!
Again, hope you remembered one of our converts (Mrs. Dayan) we told you that they stabbed the husband to death? Yes, we've good news from her, she has just put to bed and we were there to pray and rejoice with her family. Please commit her to prayer; she had high blood pressure after delivery, thinking always about her late husband!
(Kanayo & Ngozi with Sis. Dayan's family)
We are still having exciting time with our Badjao brethren every Thursday afternoon at the Boulevard area here in Dumaguete City. It's a great opportunity and pleasure for us ministering to them; please also commit our work with the Badjao people to prayer as we need a lot of financial support to be ever-relevant in our amongst work them.
Further to that in our effort to reposition and repackage our ministry here, we've decided to build a new and secured website. It's still under development, you may just take a tour, especially our donation page, if incase the Lord is laying something in your heart to bless us with (
(Ngozi serving the Badjao people!)

Yours in Missions
Kanayo & Ngozi Uchime(Nigerian Missionaries in the Philippines)
Tel: (GSMs) Kanayo +639089857499 & +639324712532, Ngozi +639283901971, (Office/Home) +63354248345 (new line)
Visit our websites:, OR
Follow us on Facebook, click here:
Yahoo messengers: OR
Skype Add: success.uchime OR ngozi.ogbu
(NB) To donate to our mission work, please click on this link: OR this Sunday, August 14, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Monday, June 13, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Nigerian Missionary Facing the Challenge of Church Planting in the Philippines
By Ejikeme Omenazu
When he left the shores of Nigeria few years ago, with his wife and their four children, he had one major objective. That is to help push the gospel further, especially in the frontiers of South East Asia. Thus, he pitched his tent at Philippines. Having established a foothold in that country, especially around Dumaguete City, where they are domiciled, today, Apostle Kanayo Success Uchime and his wife, Ngozi, are now pioneering a church in that country; to help groom the souls they are winning for Jesus Christ, the Lord.
As he told this writer in an online interview, the name of our church is God’s Presence Fellowship, which is a ministry under their registered mission agency, Kingdom Missions Outreach International Inc, which is registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines.
(The Nigerian missionary couple Apostle Kanayo & Ngozi Uchime)
He informed that they decided to be involved in this pioneering work in the Philippines because they believe that the nation has not got enough churches to match the growing rate of Catholicism and population also. He is thankful to God because of the churches that had been planted there already, both by the indigenous and foreign efforts, and theirs is to complement what have been on ground already.
Uchime who has spent most of his ministerial life as a missionary stressed: “Philippines, a country located in the Southeast Asia, like most other nations in Asia, is still a harvest field. Mind you the country is located among the 10/40 Window nations, identified by missionaries as the needy countries in the world”.
On his church planting effort in that country, he said although some other Nigerians are known to have pioneered churches and ministries in foreign land, what matters much is the motivation for the work. “The questions that should be asked are: What do I have in mind in planting this church and where am I planting the church? This is very important, because to some, if you’ve not planted a church, may be in America or Europe, your ministry has not started, not minding if those locations are ‘needy’ areas.
“Some are motivated or driven by finance and the need to expand there ‘territory’ or ‘government’, and this is the simple truth if we can tell ourselves the truth. Our challenge is simply this: Let those people who rush to U.S or Europe, rush to Asia! Apostle Paul went to Macedonia because he was prompted by the Holy Spirit as a result of the mission need in that nation. Left to the apostle Paul as a human being he would not have gone. “You may ask, how do I know that? This is so because his face was already headed to Asia, because the scriptures say: ‘They (Paul and his team) were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach in the word in Asia,” (Acts 16:6). Read the proceeding verses, you’ll find out they were also forbidden to go to Bithynia and it was at this very point that the vision for Macedonia came to the apostle. So, ours is motivated by the need of the hour and that’s the very heart of missions – reaching the vast number of the unreached people groups.”
(Ngozi ministering to the Badjao ribal people)
Explaining why God’s Presence Fellowship commenced Sunday services so soon, Uchime said that what happened was that they started off on Sunday evenings, but later being led by the Holy Spirit, they commenced the morning service by first week of January this year. But he thanked God for the progress recorded so far.
“We must accept that planting a church in the Philippines is so challenging. As I’ve said earlier, there is a domineering presence of Catholicism here and that alone, among many others, is a big challenge to church planting.
On the future of the church since the major denomination in that country is Catholicism,
The Apostle was very optimistic. He maintained that it only takes a lot of patience and courage to plant and grow a church there, “but as for taking root, the church is doing that already and it is budding and one day it must grow. As I said earlier Catholicism has been identified as one of the big challenges, but we should not dwell on that. We must be able to surmount that challenge by God’s special grace”.
Bearing in mind the financial challenges his ministry is facing since his ministry is on a self-effort mission and has no agency backing it, he was full of hope about the future of the church not minding that most of their flock now are the poor and needy of that nation.
Expatiating, he said: “It takes a lot of patience. We’ve started teaching the people the principles of seed sowing and it’s making a whole lot of sense to them. But that does not mean we still do not need money for the pioneer work, more so when you’re ministering to a peculiar people like ours – the Badjao tribal people, noted as the poorest of the poor in the Philippines”.
(With some Badjao brethren in Dumaguete city)
On whether he has been getting support to ensure the survival of the church, he was emphatic that their support level has been very low. He stated that they have done a lot to improve on it but to no avail. But he is hopeful that one day the Lord will answer their prayers. “This is the reason why we’re making this clarion call to all well-meaning Christian donors to come to our rescue. Our major predicament here is that the nationals are always looking up to us for money, being foreigners as they have this believe that every foreigner has money, irrespective of where he/she comes from. They always assume we’re black Americans and as such came with thousands of Dollars!
“Then back home, our friends in Nigeria feel we’re abroad and as such we’re to send money home for our family. So we’re caught in between two serious tensions. That’s our major predicament as African missionaries in foreign land. In fact it only takes the intervention of God for one to make headway in missions here, but then we’ll keep moving on believing Him who sent us that He alone will make all provisions available!” he added.
On the extent of assistance his ministry has been getting from agencies and partners to ensure his success in Philippines, Uchime thanked God for few individuals and organizations in Nigeria that have been sending support to them on regular basis. But the question is: To what extent will those little contributions go considering the magnitude of the work they are facing in the Philippines? Missions, he noted, is a big enterprise and as such requires big support and the Nigerian churches are just getting that message, which is something to thank God for. He stressed that it was Oswald J. Smith that said that no amount of money is too small for missions and no amount is too big! Not until churches and agencies in Nigeria arise to the occasion, foreign mission work – global evangelization will continue to be elusive.
“We must awake to the occasion now and forget this sense of always looking up to America or Europe when it comes to mission sponsorship or support. I believe that God has blessed the Nigerian Church, the prosperity we’ve been clamoring for is now in the church and the only problem is how we will appropriate that prosperity. Again you imagine a situation where a pastor of a big church in Nigeria was asking us if we’ve been able to establish contacts in America in order to ensure that regular support comes for our work. “It’s very disheartening to note that, and the question is: Why is it only America that must sponsor mission project? Why must all of us be looking up to American as if God is only blessing them? If we concede, ok, let us be depending on them, but I still believe it’s a bad trend.
(The missionary family)
Apart from the church, they have been ministering to the tribal peoples in the Philippines, who could be regarded as the rural dwellers and most churches do not deem it fit to reach out to those category of people; hence they form a focus for the Uchimes there.
He also disclosed that they have just started a ministry to kids, doing what is called Bible story telling to children who, he stressed, are also neglected by the mainline churches. They are also involved in seminary teaching, seminars and workshops. They go about teaching the word of God wherever the Lord opens doors for them.
Since Uchime is there with his family, their basic needs have to be paramount. On this, he said: “Yes, this is also very important in that when a missionary’s children’s school expenses are not taken care of it’s always a very serious burden for that missionary. In America or Europe, for example, this is not a serious problem for their missionaries. But for Nigerian or other African missionaries, this is still a very big challenge because of the fact that mission enterprise has not developed like theirs. Over there the awareness for missions is there, and as such missionary’s kids are well taken care of. “We’re calling on well-meaning mission donors and other philanthropists to come up and adopt our children for sponsorship, two of them now are already in the university and you know how hard it’s to train someone in the university. Even I, I’ve to go back to school to improve myself and also reposition myself for the future ministry – am at present taking a Masters course in English language in a state university here and this is by no means very challenging to say the least,” he stated.
How can Nigerians wishing to send their financial support to their ministry get in touch with them? To the question, he replied: “It’s very simple; someone can reach us through our ministry website ( or through our facebook site (”
On the impact Nigerians are making in Philippines in particular and Asia in general as far as the gospel is concerned, Uchime stressed that as far as the gospel or mission work is concerned, Nigerians are making waves, but he was quick add that the only challenge is still mission support. He maintained that over 80 percent of Nigerian missionaries in Philippines came on their own. In other words, they are not sponsored by any church or organization, and are what you may refer to as independent missionaries. This trend, he added, is not healthy for foreign mission work especially. He maintains that it is the responsibility of the church to send out missionaries to the mission field. But he lamented that in Nigeria, the case is very different, because Nigerian churches still erroneously feel that missions is not ‘lucrative’ and as such there is no need to invest in such an ‘nonlucrative’ ministry venture.
“Not until Nigerian churches grow to that level of investing in world missions, finishing the remaining task of world evangelization as left behind by our Master Commissioner, Jesus Christ, will continue to suffer. Again, I’ll add that Nigerian missionaries are very rugged and inexpensive to maintain compared to Western missionaries, who in most cases are not able to take the many risks in missions that we Nigerian/Africans are used to taking. In actual fact if it cost a Western missionary $500 to live in a mission field for a month, for instance, give a two Nigerian just half of that they will go extra mile with joy and fulfillment.
“The challenge of the Nigerian/African missionary is finance – we do not have the same level-playing ground with our contemporaries in America/Europe and given the equal treatment, I’ll assure you that we’ll excel. Why, because Nigeria is already a training ground for most of us – no electricity, tap water, no very conducive environment like incessant wars and unending violence etc. and God has used all these to make us develop a very turf skin.”
On his message for Nigerians at home, he said: “My message is always very simple, let the churches in Nigeria wake up to their responsibility of supporting missionaries irrespective of whether they’re of the same denomination or not. Although I must concede that the Nigerian church is trying when compared to what we’re experiencing here, but they need to go the extra mile.
“The veil of denominationalism that is covering Nigerian churches must be removed forthwith, let them start to see missions project as “our project” and that is the only remedy if the Nigerian church must contribute towards the finishing of the remaining task as instructed by our Master Jesus. Again, I’ll like the Nigerian church to pay attention to the issue of praying for missions and missionaries especially those in the foreign missions – as prayer is the principal key to unlocking challenges in missions.
“The starting point is prayer, as the Bible says where your treasure is there your heart is, it’s when you start praying that the Holy Spirit will start to impress in your heart the need to go the extra mile to give. We should be reminded that the deep burden to give to mission work will usually come out of a deep sense of prayer burden!”
Ejikeme Omenazu is a Nigerian journalist and is based in Nigeria. To contact him, write:
When he left the shores of Nigeria few years ago, with his wife and their four children, he had one major objective. That is to help push the gospel further, especially in the frontiers of South East Asia. Thus, he pitched his tent at Philippines. Having established a foothold in that country, especially around Dumaguete City, where they are domiciled, today, Apostle Kanayo Success Uchime and his wife, Ngozi, are now pioneering a church in that country; to help groom the souls they are winning for Jesus Christ, the Lord.
As he told this writer in an online interview, the name of our church is God’s Presence Fellowship, which is a ministry under their registered mission agency, Kingdom Missions Outreach International Inc, which is registered with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the Philippines.
(The Nigerian missionary couple Apostle Kanayo & Ngozi Uchime)
He informed that they decided to be involved in this pioneering work in the Philippines because they believe that the nation has not got enough churches to match the growing rate of Catholicism and population also. He is thankful to God because of the churches that had been planted there already, both by the indigenous and foreign efforts, and theirs is to complement what have been on ground already.
Uchime who has spent most of his ministerial life as a missionary stressed: “Philippines, a country located in the Southeast Asia, like most other nations in Asia, is still a harvest field. Mind you the country is located among the 10/40 Window nations, identified by missionaries as the needy countries in the world”.
On his church planting effort in that country, he said although some other Nigerians are known to have pioneered churches and ministries in foreign land, what matters much is the motivation for the work. “The questions that should be asked are: What do I have in mind in planting this church and where am I planting the church? This is very important, because to some, if you’ve not planted a church, may be in America or Europe, your ministry has not started, not minding if those locations are ‘needy’ areas.
“Some are motivated or driven by finance and the need to expand there ‘territory’ or ‘government’, and this is the simple truth if we can tell ourselves the truth. Our challenge is simply this: Let those people who rush to U.S or Europe, rush to Asia! Apostle Paul went to Macedonia because he was prompted by the Holy Spirit as a result of the mission need in that nation. Left to the apostle Paul as a human being he would not have gone. “You may ask, how do I know that? This is so because his face was already headed to Asia, because the scriptures say: ‘They (Paul and his team) were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach in the word in Asia,” (Acts 16:6). Read the proceeding verses, you’ll find out they were also forbidden to go to Bithynia and it was at this very point that the vision for Macedonia came to the apostle. So, ours is motivated by the need of the hour and that’s the very heart of missions – reaching the vast number of the unreached people groups.”
(Ngozi ministering to the Badjao ribal people)
Explaining why God’s Presence Fellowship commenced Sunday services so soon, Uchime said that what happened was that they started off on Sunday evenings, but later being led by the Holy Spirit, they commenced the morning service by first week of January this year. But he thanked God for the progress recorded so far.
“We must accept that planting a church in the Philippines is so challenging. As I’ve said earlier, there is a domineering presence of Catholicism here and that alone, among many others, is a big challenge to church planting.
On the future of the church since the major denomination in that country is Catholicism,
The Apostle was very optimistic. He maintained that it only takes a lot of patience and courage to plant and grow a church there, “but as for taking root, the church is doing that already and it is budding and one day it must grow. As I said earlier Catholicism has been identified as one of the big challenges, but we should not dwell on that. We must be able to surmount that challenge by God’s special grace”.
Bearing in mind the financial challenges his ministry is facing since his ministry is on a self-effort mission and has no agency backing it, he was full of hope about the future of the church not minding that most of their flock now are the poor and needy of that nation.
Expatiating, he said: “It takes a lot of patience. We’ve started teaching the people the principles of seed sowing and it’s making a whole lot of sense to them. But that does not mean we still do not need money for the pioneer work, more so when you’re ministering to a peculiar people like ours – the Badjao tribal people, noted as the poorest of the poor in the Philippines”.
(With some Badjao brethren in Dumaguete city)
On whether he has been getting support to ensure the survival of the church, he was emphatic that their support level has been very low. He stated that they have done a lot to improve on it but to no avail. But he is hopeful that one day the Lord will answer their prayers. “This is the reason why we’re making this clarion call to all well-meaning Christian donors to come to our rescue. Our major predicament here is that the nationals are always looking up to us for money, being foreigners as they have this believe that every foreigner has money, irrespective of where he/she comes from. They always assume we’re black Americans and as such came with thousands of Dollars!
“Then back home, our friends in Nigeria feel we’re abroad and as such we’re to send money home for our family. So we’re caught in between two serious tensions. That’s our major predicament as African missionaries in foreign land. In fact it only takes the intervention of God for one to make headway in missions here, but then we’ll keep moving on believing Him who sent us that He alone will make all provisions available!” he added.
On the extent of assistance his ministry has been getting from agencies and partners to ensure his success in Philippines, Uchime thanked God for few individuals and organizations in Nigeria that have been sending support to them on regular basis. But the question is: To what extent will those little contributions go considering the magnitude of the work they are facing in the Philippines? Missions, he noted, is a big enterprise and as such requires big support and the Nigerian churches are just getting that message, which is something to thank God for. He stressed that it was Oswald J. Smith that said that no amount of money is too small for missions and no amount is too big! Not until churches and agencies in Nigeria arise to the occasion, foreign mission work – global evangelization will continue to be elusive.
“We must awake to the occasion now and forget this sense of always looking up to America or Europe when it comes to mission sponsorship or support. I believe that God has blessed the Nigerian Church, the prosperity we’ve been clamoring for is now in the church and the only problem is how we will appropriate that prosperity. Again you imagine a situation where a pastor of a big church in Nigeria was asking us if we’ve been able to establish contacts in America in order to ensure that regular support comes for our work. “It’s very disheartening to note that, and the question is: Why is it only America that must sponsor mission project? Why must all of us be looking up to American as if God is only blessing them? If we concede, ok, let us be depending on them, but I still believe it’s a bad trend.
(The missionary family)
Apart from the church, they have been ministering to the tribal peoples in the Philippines, who could be regarded as the rural dwellers and most churches do not deem it fit to reach out to those category of people; hence they form a focus for the Uchimes there.
He also disclosed that they have just started a ministry to kids, doing what is called Bible story telling to children who, he stressed, are also neglected by the mainline churches. They are also involved in seminary teaching, seminars and workshops. They go about teaching the word of God wherever the Lord opens doors for them.
Since Uchime is there with his family, their basic needs have to be paramount. On this, he said: “Yes, this is also very important in that when a missionary’s children’s school expenses are not taken care of it’s always a very serious burden for that missionary. In America or Europe, for example, this is not a serious problem for their missionaries. But for Nigerian or other African missionaries, this is still a very big challenge because of the fact that mission enterprise has not developed like theirs. Over there the awareness for missions is there, and as such missionary’s kids are well taken care of. “We’re calling on well-meaning mission donors and other philanthropists to come up and adopt our children for sponsorship, two of them now are already in the university and you know how hard it’s to train someone in the university. Even I, I’ve to go back to school to improve myself and also reposition myself for the future ministry – am at present taking a Masters course in English language in a state university here and this is by no means very challenging to say the least,” he stated.
How can Nigerians wishing to send their financial support to their ministry get in touch with them? To the question, he replied: “It’s very simple; someone can reach us through our ministry website ( or through our facebook site (”
On the impact Nigerians are making in Philippines in particular and Asia in general as far as the gospel is concerned, Uchime stressed that as far as the gospel or mission work is concerned, Nigerians are making waves, but he was quick add that the only challenge is still mission support. He maintained that over 80 percent of Nigerian missionaries in Philippines came on their own. In other words, they are not sponsored by any church or organization, and are what you may refer to as independent missionaries. This trend, he added, is not healthy for foreign mission work especially. He maintains that it is the responsibility of the church to send out missionaries to the mission field. But he lamented that in Nigeria, the case is very different, because Nigerian churches still erroneously feel that missions is not ‘lucrative’ and as such there is no need to invest in such an ‘nonlucrative’ ministry venture.
“Not until Nigerian churches grow to that level of investing in world missions, finishing the remaining task of world evangelization as left behind by our Master Commissioner, Jesus Christ, will continue to suffer. Again, I’ll add that Nigerian missionaries are very rugged and inexpensive to maintain compared to Western missionaries, who in most cases are not able to take the many risks in missions that we Nigerian/Africans are used to taking. In actual fact if it cost a Western missionary $500 to live in a mission field for a month, for instance, give a two Nigerian just half of that they will go extra mile with joy and fulfillment.
“The challenge of the Nigerian/African missionary is finance – we do not have the same level-playing ground with our contemporaries in America/Europe and given the equal treatment, I’ll assure you that we’ll excel. Why, because Nigeria is already a training ground for most of us – no electricity, tap water, no very conducive environment like incessant wars and unending violence etc. and God has used all these to make us develop a very turf skin.”
On his message for Nigerians at home, he said: “My message is always very simple, let the churches in Nigeria wake up to their responsibility of supporting missionaries irrespective of whether they’re of the same denomination or not. Although I must concede that the Nigerian church is trying when compared to what we’re experiencing here, but they need to go the extra mile.
“The veil of denominationalism that is covering Nigerian churches must be removed forthwith, let them start to see missions project as “our project” and that is the only remedy if the Nigerian church must contribute towards the finishing of the remaining task as instructed by our Master Jesus. Again, I’ll like the Nigerian church to pay attention to the issue of praying for missions and missionaries especially those in the foreign missions – as prayer is the principal key to unlocking challenges in missions.
“The starting point is prayer, as the Bible says where your treasure is there your heart is, it’s when you start praying that the Holy Spirit will start to impress in your heart the need to go the extra mile to give. We should be reminded that the deep burden to give to mission work will usually come out of a deep sense of prayer burden!”
Ejikeme Omenazu is a Nigerian journalist and is based in Nigeria. To contact him, write:
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Christian Aid’s Chicago Event to Focus on African Native Missions
The forthcoming mission outreach events in Chicago fixed for May 19, 2011, will focus on the needs of native missions in Africa.
This is contained in a report in the monthly online bulletin - Mission Insider of the Christian Aid Mission (CAM) ( adding that the northern Illinois and Indiana focus has been called in response to "a new wave of interest" in African native missions from pastors and leaders in the Chicago area.
(Bill Bray of the Christian Aid Mission)
Speaking on this recent development, a Communication Staff in CAM Virginia headquarters Bill BrayBill Bray said that during the team's visit to Chicago, they will also make a presentation and exhibit at the National Black Evangelical Association Annual Convention in Oak Lawn.
He noted that they’ll also do same at the annual Focus Pastors Conference at Moody Bible Institute, and the U-Turn 2011 Momentum Conference, Dyer, Indiana. In addition they will speak at many church and mission groups almost every night.
"This is the first time we have ever done something like this in Chicago. However, we have to respond to this new wave of interest - especially now with so many African countries in turmoil, revolution and unprecedented church growth,” he stated.
According to Bray, the month-long outreach to Chicago will feature a reunion banquet for friends of the mission, churches, individuals as well as interested guests on May 19. The "all nations" fundraising event at the Omega Banquet Hall in Naperville will answer questions and offer an opportunity for more people to get involved in the reformation in foreign missions.
He stated: “The celebrative evening begins promptly at 6 pm at the restaurant, 4S040 Route 59, Naperville. Reservations are required. For advance tickets contact Dr. David Rhoads at 630-668-2020 or Dr. David Rhoads at Christian Aid Mission, 800-977-5650.
He pointed out that an exciting presentation team from CAM will share the latest news from North Africa and focus on the amazing power of native missions in Africa and that a special report is expected from Rae Burnett who will have just returned from a two-month inspection tour of ministries in Africa.
“Christian Aid is the oldest and largest indigenous mission's agency in the world, assisting over 800 indigenous ministries to 3000 language groups in 122 countries. The mission aids projects in many of the 54 countries on the African continent,” Bray also stated.
And for more articles from this writer, click here:
The forthcoming mission outreach events in Chicago fixed for May 19, 2011, will focus on the needs of native missions in Africa.
This is contained in a report in the monthly online bulletin - Mission Insider of the Christian Aid Mission (CAM) ( adding that the northern Illinois and Indiana focus has been called in response to "a new wave of interest" in African native missions from pastors and leaders in the Chicago area.
(Bill Bray of the Christian Aid Mission)
Speaking on this recent development, a Communication Staff in CAM Virginia headquarters Bill BrayBill Bray said that during the team's visit to Chicago, they will also make a presentation and exhibit at the National Black Evangelical Association Annual Convention in Oak Lawn.
He noted that they’ll also do same at the annual Focus Pastors Conference at Moody Bible Institute, and the U-Turn 2011 Momentum Conference, Dyer, Indiana. In addition they will speak at many church and mission groups almost every night.
"This is the first time we have ever done something like this in Chicago. However, we have to respond to this new wave of interest - especially now with so many African countries in turmoil, revolution and unprecedented church growth,” he stated.
According to Bray, the month-long outreach to Chicago will feature a reunion banquet for friends of the mission, churches, individuals as well as interested guests on May 19. The "all nations" fundraising event at the Omega Banquet Hall in Naperville will answer questions and offer an opportunity for more people to get involved in the reformation in foreign missions.
He stated: “The celebrative evening begins promptly at 6 pm at the restaurant, 4S040 Route 59, Naperville. Reservations are required. For advance tickets contact Dr. David Rhoads at 630-668-2020 or Dr. David Rhoads at Christian Aid Mission, 800-977-5650.
He pointed out that an exciting presentation team from CAM will share the latest news from North Africa and focus on the amazing power of native missions in Africa and that a special report is expected from Rae Burnett who will have just returned from a two-month inspection tour of ministries in Africa.
“Christian Aid is the oldest and largest indigenous mission's agency in the world, assisting over 800 indigenous ministries to 3000 language groups in 122 countries. The mission aids projects in many of the 54 countries on the African continent,” Bray also stated.
And for more articles from this writer, click here:
Friday, March 25, 2011
China Warns Philippines Over South Sea Oil Drilling
The Chinese authorities Thursday sent a warning signal over the Philippines plans to commence oil exploration in the South China Sea. And this is coming barely few days after Philippines signified its intention of possible drilling there.
This revelation is contained in a report by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) adding that the Philippines Department of Energy Manila said that the United Kingdom (UK) based Forum Energy had completed a seismic survey for the Reed Bank, near the disputed Spratly Islands.
The AFP report noted that the Spratlys are called the Nansha Islands in Chinese and claimed by Beijing.
(Hu Jintao, Chinese President)
Speaking on this development, the Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang YuJiang Yu said China holds indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and the adjacent sea waters.
She noted that any activities by countries or companies to explore for oil or gas in the sea waters in China's jurisdiction without the permission of the Chinese government will constitute a violation of China's sovereignty and will be illegal and invalid.
Jiang did not make any direct reference to the Philippines or Forum Energy, nor did she say the survey area was actually in waters under Chinese jurisdiction.
Chinese embassy officials in the Philippines earlier requested a copy of the Forum Energy announcement, but did not return subsequent calls by AFP.
Officials of Forum Energy on Wednesday said it used the survey data to evaluate the commercial potential of the block and to "help identify the best location for possible appraisal wells to be drilled."
It noted that the Reed Bank lies about 150 kilometers (90 miles) east of the reputedly oil-rich Spratlys, which are claimed in whole or in part by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and China.
For more article from this writer, click here:
The Chinese authorities Thursday sent a warning signal over the Philippines plans to commence oil exploration in the South China Sea. And this is coming barely few days after Philippines signified its intention of possible drilling there.
This revelation is contained in a report by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) adding that the Philippines Department of Energy Manila said that the United Kingdom (UK) based Forum Energy had completed a seismic survey for the Reed Bank, near the disputed Spratly Islands.
The AFP report noted that the Spratlys are called the Nansha Islands in Chinese and claimed by Beijing.
(Hu Jintao, Chinese President)
Speaking on this development, the Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang YuJiang Yu said China holds indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and the adjacent sea waters.
She noted that any activities by countries or companies to explore for oil or gas in the sea waters in China's jurisdiction without the permission of the Chinese government will constitute a violation of China's sovereignty and will be illegal and invalid.
Jiang did not make any direct reference to the Philippines or Forum Energy, nor did she say the survey area was actually in waters under Chinese jurisdiction.
Chinese embassy officials in the Philippines earlier requested a copy of the Forum Energy announcement, but did not return subsequent calls by AFP.
Officials of Forum Energy on Wednesday said it used the survey data to evaluate the commercial potential of the block and to "help identify the best location for possible appraisal wells to be drilled."
It noted that the Reed Bank lies about 150 kilometers (90 miles) east of the reputedly oil-rich Spratlys, which are claimed in whole or in part by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines and China.
For more article from this writer, click here:
Death Toll on Myanmar’s Quake Hits 65
Following the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated Japanese people, another earthquake has happened in the Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar on Thursday.
In a report by the CNN Wire Staff (, it noted that the death toll from the powerful earthquake 6.8-magnitude has gone up to 65 adding that at least 111 people were injured.
(The devastating effect of the Myanmar earthquake)
Quoting the Myanmar Radio and the U.S. Geological Survey, CNN said the earthquake happened near Myanmar’s borders with China, Thailand and Laos adding that it was a relatively shallow quake, which can be very destructive.
The U.S Geological Survey according to the report said that the quake had a depth of 142 miles (230 kilometers), but it later revised its estimate to say the quake was 6 miles (10 km) deep, putting it fairly close to the surface.
It noted that Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, has been badly hit by natural disasters in the past few years and that a powerful cyclone in 2008 left an estimated 100,000 people dead, and another one two years later left 70,000 people homeless according to United Nations (U.N).
CNN said the quake was significantly less powerful than the one that hit Japan two weeks ago, causing a tsunami and leaving thousands dead or missing stressing that the quake also prompted fears of a nuclear meltdown.
For more article from this writer, click here:
Following the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that devastated Japanese people, another earthquake has happened in the Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar on Thursday.
In a report by the CNN Wire Staff (, it noted that the death toll from the powerful earthquake 6.8-magnitude has gone up to 65 adding that at least 111 people were injured.
(The devastating effect of the Myanmar earthquake)
Quoting the Myanmar Radio and the U.S. Geological Survey, CNN said the earthquake happened near Myanmar’s borders with China, Thailand and Laos adding that it was a relatively shallow quake, which can be very destructive.
The U.S Geological Survey according to the report said that the quake had a depth of 142 miles (230 kilometers), but it later revised its estimate to say the quake was 6 miles (10 km) deep, putting it fairly close to the surface.
It noted that Myanmar, which is also known as Burma, has been badly hit by natural disasters in the past few years and that a powerful cyclone in 2008 left an estimated 100,000 people dead, and another one two years later left 70,000 people homeless according to United Nations (U.N).
CNN said the quake was significantly less powerful than the one that hit Japan two weeks ago, causing a tsunami and leaving thousands dead or missing stressing that the quake also prompted fears of a nuclear meltdown.
For more article from this writer, click here:
Churchnet, New Online Christian Social Networking Site Launched
It’s amazing to note the formal launching of Churchnet, a new online Christian Social Networking Site (CSN) (, which its owners say will carter for the new trend of people relying on online social networking sites like facebook, myspace, twitter, etc., to get across to friends and family.
Speaking on this new development, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ayofem Concepts, the Nigerian born, Oluremi Bamidele in a statement said there is an overwhelming need for churches to provide an online community to cater for their members.
According to him, the CSN application is geared towards helping church members, workers, ministers and pastors get much more involved in the day to day activities of the church stressing that it is also an online community where church members can share ideas, discuss spiritual matters, seek Christian related employments, meet and interact with members of their church all over the world.
“They can also listen, view and watch life changing messages from matured men of God from their church. Through our online Christian Social Networking (CSN), members can view each others profiles, pictures, share thoughts and ideas also create groups,” he stated.
On the control user registration, Bamidele pointed out that registration of members is carried out individually, but that it is possible to setup the application so that the site administrator(s) can decide either to reject or accept an application if the individual is not a member of the church.
He stated: “Also member’s access can be restricted to certain pages, and protection is giving to each member as to the information to be shown to others. The administrator(s) can also delete members that are disturbing other members unnecessarily or not complying with the terms of use of the site.”
Bamidele observed that their system is easy to use and provide unparallel Christian community package that will benefit all members of the church, giving them a family-like atmosphere online and providing refreshing spiritual experience on the internet away from all other negative influence on the internet.
“We are available to provide additional information, product demonstration and other services required by your church. Also we have uploaded a demo site to give you an insight into the working of the Christian Social Networking (CSN) Application,” he also stated.
And to avail yourself of the opportunities inherent in this new Christian Social Networking Site, log on to
For more articles from this writer, click here:
It’s amazing to note the formal launching of Churchnet, a new online Christian Social Networking Site (CSN) (, which its owners say will carter for the new trend of people relying on online social networking sites like facebook, myspace, twitter, etc., to get across to friends and family.
Speaking on this new development, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Ayofem Concepts, the Nigerian born, Oluremi Bamidele in a statement said there is an overwhelming need for churches to provide an online community to cater for their members.
According to him, the CSN application is geared towards helping church members, workers, ministers and pastors get much more involved in the day to day activities of the church stressing that it is also an online community where church members can share ideas, discuss spiritual matters, seek Christian related employments, meet and interact with members of their church all over the world.
“They can also listen, view and watch life changing messages from matured men of God from their church. Through our online Christian Social Networking (CSN), members can view each others profiles, pictures, share thoughts and ideas also create groups,” he stated.
On the control user registration, Bamidele pointed out that registration of members is carried out individually, but that it is possible to setup the application so that the site administrator(s) can decide either to reject or accept an application if the individual is not a member of the church.
He stated: “Also member’s access can be restricted to certain pages, and protection is giving to each member as to the information to be shown to others. The administrator(s) can also delete members that are disturbing other members unnecessarily or not complying with the terms of use of the site.”
Bamidele observed that their system is easy to use and provide unparallel Christian community package that will benefit all members of the church, giving them a family-like atmosphere online and providing refreshing spiritual experience on the internet away from all other negative influence on the internet.
“We are available to provide additional information, product demonstration and other services required by your church. Also we have uploaded a demo site to give you an insight into the working of the Christian Social Networking (CSN) Application,” he also stated.
And to avail yourself of the opportunities inherent in this new Christian Social Networking Site, log on to
For more articles from this writer, click here:
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Nigerian Extremists Plan to Disrupt April elections
The Muslim Extremists in Nigeria are seriously planning on how to disrupt the forthcoming general elections in April by stirring up unrest in some parts of the Northern States.
This view is contained in a report by the United Kingdom based registered Christian Charity organization, Release International ( adding that they have launched fresh attacks on Christians and churches in Plateau.
(Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Nigerian President)
It noted that in Plateau state, central Nigeria, bombers appeared to be targeting church goers when they detonated a device in Nasawara Gwom, a mainly Christian district of Jos, on Sunday. However, they succeeded only in killing themselves and damaging a nearby shop.
It observed that the intended targets of this attack were apparently members of the nearby Church of Christ In Nigeria and the Evangelical Church Winning All adding that the militants also planted a second bomb behind the headquarters of the Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry (MFMM) but it was discovered and made safe.
“Churches were already on high alert – after warnings of bomb attacks. Release sources suggest that extremists may have been trying to sidestep heightened security around churches, by targeting Christians on their journeys home,” the report stated.
It continued: “Release sources in Nigeria say that extremists appear to be trying to whip up religious violence to create a state of emergency in Plateau ahead of the elections on April 9. Last week, security officials intercepted a truckload of explosives and ammunition in Jos.”
It noted that Release partners also reported that three other people, said to be Christians, were killed earlier on Sunday – and six others stabbed.
Speaking on this latest development, the Archbishop of Jos, The Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin Kwashi, stated: 'The only real answer is prayer. I trust God to defend us. I have been threatened with death personally three times. In all three times, the Lord has rescued me.”
Quoting Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), the report said that violence continues in other parts of Nigeria. In Bauchi state, more than 4,000 people fled their homes after armed assailants launched night raids on villages in the Tafawa Balewa area on March 10. Extremists burnt down 13 churches and more than 450 homes.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
The Muslim Extremists in Nigeria are seriously planning on how to disrupt the forthcoming general elections in April by stirring up unrest in some parts of the Northern States.
This view is contained in a report by the United Kingdom based registered Christian Charity organization, Release International ( adding that they have launched fresh attacks on Christians and churches in Plateau.
(Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Nigerian President)
It noted that in Plateau state, central Nigeria, bombers appeared to be targeting church goers when they detonated a device in Nasawara Gwom, a mainly Christian district of Jos, on Sunday. However, they succeeded only in killing themselves and damaging a nearby shop.
It observed that the intended targets of this attack were apparently members of the nearby Church of Christ In Nigeria and the Evangelical Church Winning All adding that the militants also planted a second bomb behind the headquarters of the Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry (MFMM) but it was discovered and made safe.
“Churches were already on high alert – after warnings of bomb attacks. Release sources suggest that extremists may have been trying to sidestep heightened security around churches, by targeting Christians on their journeys home,” the report stated.
It continued: “Release sources in Nigeria say that extremists appear to be trying to whip up religious violence to create a state of emergency in Plateau ahead of the elections on April 9. Last week, security officials intercepted a truckload of explosives and ammunition in Jos.”
It noted that Release partners also reported that three other people, said to be Christians, were killed earlier on Sunday – and six others stabbed.
Speaking on this latest development, the Archbishop of Jos, The Most Rev. Dr. Benjamin Kwashi, stated: 'The only real answer is prayer. I trust God to defend us. I have been threatened with death personally three times. In all three times, the Lord has rescued me.”
Quoting Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), the report said that violence continues in other parts of Nigeria. In Bauchi state, more than 4,000 people fled their homes after armed assailants launched night raids on villages in the Tafawa Balewa area on March 10. Extremists burnt down 13 churches and more than 450 homes.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
Nigerian Govt. Set to Implement Key Economic Policies
The Nigerian President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has said a special technical committee that will include members of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) will be set up soon to ensure that key economic policies of government are implemented to the letter.
Speaking at an interactive session with representatives of the MAN in Lagos on Monday, March 21, President Jonathan maintained that he has the political will to implement all policies that will step up the living conditions of Nigerians and improve the economy of the country.
(Dr Goodluck E Jonathan of Nigeria)
According to President Jonathan, the manufacturing sector is key to the realization of the nation’s Vision 20/2020 aspiration, hence a team of technocrats from MAN, Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA) and related bodies as well as key government officials will constitute a special committee to be coordinated by the Chief Economic Adviser to the President, that will deliberate regularly on policies that will improve the nation’s economy.
“If we must create jobs, we must manufacture. This is a critical sector and I have the political will to implement any policy that will improve the economy of this country,” the President said.
President Jonathan urged the manufacturers to examine the nation’s laws critically and intimate government of any law that impedes economic growth, assuring that such will be tabled before the next National Assembly for amendment.
The President said the issue of multiple taxation, for instance, will become a thing of the past as the new National Tax Policy to be endorsed soon will address it and related issues.
President Jonathan also expressed Government’s desire to reduce production costs by inviting manufacturers of imported commodities that are in high demand among Nigerians to set up production factories in the country.
Speaking earlier, MAN president, Chief Kola Jamodu, commended the Jonathan administration for various intervention funds granted the textile and agricultural sectors as well as the small and medium scale enterprises, noting that the grants have helped in no small way to revive and expand the sectors.
Jamodu also lauded government for protecting the nation’s economic interest by not hurriedly signing the Economic Community of West African States/ European Union (ECOWAS/EU) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), while calling for a more critical look at the document to accommodate national interest.
He said the private sector holds the reforms of the Jonathan administration to heart, noting that the interactive session at the instance of Mr. President “is a clear testimony of the deep and abiding rapport that exists between the present administration and the private sector”.
While praising President Jonathan for his commitment to infrastructural development, improved power supply and uninterrupted supply of petrol in the country, the MAN president said the body is developing a blueprint for accelerating the growth of the manufacturing sector and will present it to government soon.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
The Nigerian President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has said a special technical committee that will include members of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) will be set up soon to ensure that key economic policies of government are implemented to the letter.
Speaking at an interactive session with representatives of the MAN in Lagos on Monday, March 21, President Jonathan maintained that he has the political will to implement all policies that will step up the living conditions of Nigerians and improve the economy of the country.
(Dr Goodluck E Jonathan of Nigeria)
According to President Jonathan, the manufacturing sector is key to the realization of the nation’s Vision 20/2020 aspiration, hence a team of technocrats from MAN, Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA) and related bodies as well as key government officials will constitute a special committee to be coordinated by the Chief Economic Adviser to the President, that will deliberate regularly on policies that will improve the nation’s economy.
“If we must create jobs, we must manufacture. This is a critical sector and I have the political will to implement any policy that will improve the economy of this country,” the President said.
President Jonathan urged the manufacturers to examine the nation’s laws critically and intimate government of any law that impedes economic growth, assuring that such will be tabled before the next National Assembly for amendment.
The President said the issue of multiple taxation, for instance, will become a thing of the past as the new National Tax Policy to be endorsed soon will address it and related issues.
President Jonathan also expressed Government’s desire to reduce production costs by inviting manufacturers of imported commodities that are in high demand among Nigerians to set up production factories in the country.
Speaking earlier, MAN president, Chief Kola Jamodu, commended the Jonathan administration for various intervention funds granted the textile and agricultural sectors as well as the small and medium scale enterprises, noting that the grants have helped in no small way to revive and expand the sectors.
Jamodu also lauded government for protecting the nation’s economic interest by not hurriedly signing the Economic Community of West African States/ European Union (ECOWAS/EU) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), while calling for a more critical look at the document to accommodate national interest.
He said the private sector holds the reforms of the Jonathan administration to heart, noting that the interactive session at the instance of Mr. President “is a clear testimony of the deep and abiding rapport that exists between the present administration and the private sector”.
While praising President Jonathan for his commitment to infrastructural development, improved power supply and uninterrupted supply of petrol in the country, the MAN president said the body is developing a blueprint for accelerating the growth of the manufacturing sector and will present it to government soon.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
Three Filipino Drug Convicts to be Executed in China
Chinese Government has set coming week as the date for the execution of the three Filipinos, Ramon Credo, 42, Sally Villanueva, 32, and Elizabeth Batin, 38 that were recently convicted of drug offences.
This development is contained in a statement by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) adding that the Philippines Government said it will no more make any appeals to salvage their lives.
Speaking on this, the foreign department spokesman, Ed Malaya said the Philippines government respects the laws of China and the final judgment of the Chinese People's Court. "All sentences will be carried out in one day."
(Philippines President Benigo “Noynoy” Aquino III)
He noted that Chinese court officials had informed Philippine authorities that the three convicts will be executed next Wednesday adding that Philippine authorities had gone to great lengths in a bid to save the three, who were convicted in 2008 of trafficking heroin, and made repeated appeals for their sentences to be commuted to life in jail.
Malaya noted that the government had insisted that the three, who are among 227 Filipinos jailed in China for drug offences, were from poor families and were duped into becoming drug mules by crime gangs. “Vice President Jejomar BinayJejomar Binay went to Beijing last month to plead for their lives.”
He said Chinese authorities responded to his move only by delaying their executions stressing that they were originally scheduled to be executed in February, but said they would eventually be put to death.
“The foreign department said the relatives of the death row inmates had been informed of the impending executions, and arrangements were being made for them to leave for China to see them for the last time,” he also stated.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
Chinese Government has set coming week as the date for the execution of the three Filipinos, Ramon Credo, 42, Sally Villanueva, 32, and Elizabeth Batin, 38 that were recently convicted of drug offences.
This development is contained in a statement by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) adding that the Philippines Government said it will no more make any appeals to salvage their lives.
Speaking on this, the foreign department spokesman, Ed Malaya said the Philippines government respects the laws of China and the final judgment of the Chinese People's Court. "All sentences will be carried out in one day."
(Philippines President Benigo “Noynoy” Aquino III)
He noted that Chinese court officials had informed Philippine authorities that the three convicts will be executed next Wednesday adding that Philippine authorities had gone to great lengths in a bid to save the three, who were convicted in 2008 of trafficking heroin, and made repeated appeals for their sentences to be commuted to life in jail.
Malaya noted that the government had insisted that the three, who are among 227 Filipinos jailed in China for drug offences, were from poor families and were duped into becoming drug mules by crime gangs. “Vice President Jejomar BinayJejomar Binay went to Beijing last month to plead for their lives.”
He said Chinese authorities responded to his move only by delaying their executions stressing that they were originally scheduled to be executed in February, but said they would eventually be put to death.
“The foreign department said the relatives of the death row inmates had been informed of the impending executions, and arrangements were being made for them to leave for China to see them for the last time,” he also stated.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
Philippines Now Ready to Commence Oil Exploration
The Government of the Philippines is now getting ready to commence full oil drilling in the disputed South China Sea that has been long under dispute.
Agence France-Presse (AFP) report said that this move is coming despite series of spats from the government and people of the People’s Republic of China.
Hu Jintao, the Chinese President
According to the Philippines authorities and the company behind the project, the Britain-based Forum Energy it said it has completed a seismic survey on the Sampaguita Gas field off the Reed Bank, which is much closer to the Philippines than China.
In a statement, Executive Chairman of Forum Energy, Robin Nicholson said it will immediately begin processing the data with the aim of further evaluating the commercial potential of the block, and to help identify the best location for possible appraisal wells to be drilled.
He noted that they have met their contractual commitments with the Philippine Department of Energy under Service Contract 72 and look forward to making further investments into the project.
Also speaking, the Chinese embassy spokesman, Sun Yi requested a copy of the Forum Energy announcement adding that China reiterated its claim over disputed islands in the South China Sea two weeks ago after both the Philippines and Vietnam protested to Beijing over its naval activity in contested waters.
He stated: "China holds indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent waters.”
It would be noted that the Philippines government lodged a complaint after two Chinese vessels ordered its oil exploration boat to leave waters near Reed Bank on March 2. And that the Reed Bank lies about 150 kilometers (90 miles) east of the reputedly oil-rich Spratly chain, which are claimed in whole or in part by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, as well as the Philippines and China.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
The Government of the Philippines is now getting ready to commence full oil drilling in the disputed South China Sea that has been long under dispute.
Agence France-Presse (AFP) report said that this move is coming despite series of spats from the government and people of the People’s Republic of China.
Hu Jintao, the Chinese President
According to the Philippines authorities and the company behind the project, the Britain-based Forum Energy it said it has completed a seismic survey on the Sampaguita Gas field off the Reed Bank, which is much closer to the Philippines than China.
In a statement, Executive Chairman of Forum Energy, Robin Nicholson said it will immediately begin processing the data with the aim of further evaluating the commercial potential of the block, and to help identify the best location for possible appraisal wells to be drilled.
He noted that they have met their contractual commitments with the Philippine Department of Energy under Service Contract 72 and look forward to making further investments into the project.
Also speaking, the Chinese embassy spokesman, Sun Yi requested a copy of the Forum Energy announcement adding that China reiterated its claim over disputed islands in the South China Sea two weeks ago after both the Philippines and Vietnam protested to Beijing over its naval activity in contested waters.
He stated: "China holds indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands and their adjacent waters.”
It would be noted that the Philippines government lodged a complaint after two Chinese vessels ordered its oil exploration boat to leave waters near Reed Bank on March 2. And that the Reed Bank lies about 150 kilometers (90 miles) east of the reputedly oil-rich Spratly chain, which are claimed in whole or in part by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam, as well as the Philippines and China.
For more articles from this writer, click here:
Monday, March 21, 2011
April Polls: Nigerian President Expresses Confidence in Electoral Chief
Ahead of the next month general election in Nigeria, the country’s President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has expressed his confidence in the electoral chief, Prof. Attahiru Jega.
The Nigerian President stated this last week while addressing the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential campaign rally at the Haliru Abdu stadium in Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State praising the people of Kebbi State for their qualities of transparency and integrity.
(Prof. Attahiru Jega INEC Chairman)
He noted that this accounts for why he appointed one of their own, Prof. Attahiru Jega, as chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to superintend over the April general elections.
While expressing admiration at the large turn-out and magnitude of support received from Kebbi indigenes at the rally, President Jonathan said Kebbi State continues to provide eminent Nigerians that are partnering with the Federal Government at the centre to move the country forward.
“God has provided people from this state that the Federal Government has made use of. Apart from the president, one person whose name resounds again and again is your own son, Prof. Attahiru Jega,” he stated.
He continued: “If I don’t have confidence in the people of Kebbi, I wouldn’t appoint your own son, Prof. Jega to supervise in an election in which I would participate and which we all want to be free and fair. I believe that he would do the right thing; he would not rig or manipulate any election to favor anybody. So the Federal Government and Kebbi people are indeed partners in progress,” the president stated.
He promised to run an open government if given a fresh four-year mandate, adding that his administration will take decisive steps to boost infrastructural development across the country, and specifically mentioning that the Sokoto-Kontagora road will be given urgent attention.
President Jonathan also promised to give more attention to the development of science and technology in the country, noting that “nowhere in this world can you fix any economy without science and technology”.
He commended the people of Kebbi State for their agricultural enterprise in the potato farming and urged them to step up its production for export purposes, assuring that the Federal Government will exploit the opportunities of the agricultural sector to provide employment for the nation’s teeming youthful population.
He also said the target of his administration for the next four years is for Nigeria to meet up with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the health sector, with emphasis on reducing maternal mortality rate and improving on primary health care delivery.
Also speaking, Governor Saidu Dakingari of Kebbi noted that Kebbi, though a young state, is catching up with the older states in terms of development, stressing that the PDP-led administration in the state has continued to sustain peace and security, and also deliver quality social infrastructure to the people of the state.
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Ahead of the next month general election in Nigeria, the country’s President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has expressed his confidence in the electoral chief, Prof. Attahiru Jega.
The Nigerian President stated this last week while addressing the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) presidential campaign rally at the Haliru Abdu stadium in Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State praising the people of Kebbi State for their qualities of transparency and integrity.
(Prof. Attahiru Jega INEC Chairman)
He noted that this accounts for why he appointed one of their own, Prof. Attahiru Jega, as chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to superintend over the April general elections.
While expressing admiration at the large turn-out and magnitude of support received from Kebbi indigenes at the rally, President Jonathan said Kebbi State continues to provide eminent Nigerians that are partnering with the Federal Government at the centre to move the country forward.
“God has provided people from this state that the Federal Government has made use of. Apart from the president, one person whose name resounds again and again is your own son, Prof. Attahiru Jega,” he stated.
He continued: “If I don’t have confidence in the people of Kebbi, I wouldn’t appoint your own son, Prof. Jega to supervise in an election in which I would participate and which we all want to be free and fair. I believe that he would do the right thing; he would not rig or manipulate any election to favor anybody. So the Federal Government and Kebbi people are indeed partners in progress,” the president stated.
He promised to run an open government if given a fresh four-year mandate, adding that his administration will take decisive steps to boost infrastructural development across the country, and specifically mentioning that the Sokoto-Kontagora road will be given urgent attention.
President Jonathan also promised to give more attention to the development of science and technology in the country, noting that “nowhere in this world can you fix any economy without science and technology”.
He commended the people of Kebbi State for their agricultural enterprise in the potato farming and urged them to step up its production for export purposes, assuring that the Federal Government will exploit the opportunities of the agricultural sector to provide employment for the nation’s teeming youthful population.
He also said the target of his administration for the next four years is for Nigeria to meet up with the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the health sector, with emphasis on reducing maternal mortality rate and improving on primary health care delivery.
Also speaking, Governor Saidu Dakingari of Kebbi noted that Kebbi, though a young state, is catching up with the older states in terms of development, stressing that the PDP-led administration in the state has continued to sustain peace and security, and also deliver quality social infrastructure to the people of the state.
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Philippines Launches Disaster Alert Device
A new device that will give early warning for disaster-prone areas using Blackberry devices and laptops has been launched by the Philippine Charity on Monday.
Agence France-Presse (AFP), who stated this development, said the devices are hooked to a text message system that would immediately alert the communities to typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis, landslides and earthquakes.
(Philippines President Benigo “Noynoy” Aquino III)
Speaking on this recent development, the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) noted that the 200,000-dollar project was carried out with the assistance of the World Bank and one of the country's leading mobile phone operators and is funded by the country's top chief executives.
The organization noted that the areas covered by the project are all in Southern Leyte province in the central Visayas region, which lies along a fault line and is also often battered by powerful typhoons.
According to them, the province was chosen (for the project) being one of the country's top 10 provinces highly prone to natural disasters like floods, tsunamis, storm surges, landslides, earthquakes, and typhoons.
They recalled that in 2006, heavy rain triggered a deadly mudslide that buried the entire village of Guinsaugon in Southern Leyte, killing more 1,000 people in one of the country's worst natural disasters of recent years.
PBSP said the deaths were blamed on a lack of proper seismic and weather equipment and an alert system that could have immediately led to a mass evacuation adding that the project's web-based information system enables officials from the towns to use BlackBerries and laptops to access and quickly spread alerts or store surveillance data, before, during and after disasters.
“The Philippines is considered among the world's most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. It sits on the Pacific's earthquake and volcano belt, and is battered by an average of 20 typhoons a year,” they stated.
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A new device that will give early warning for disaster-prone areas using Blackberry devices and laptops has been launched by the Philippine Charity on Monday.
Agence France-Presse (AFP), who stated this development, said the devices are hooked to a text message system that would immediately alert the communities to typhoons, storm surges, tsunamis, landslides and earthquakes.
(Philippines President Benigo “Noynoy” Aquino III)
Speaking on this recent development, the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP) noted that the 200,000-dollar project was carried out with the assistance of the World Bank and one of the country's leading mobile phone operators and is funded by the country's top chief executives.
The organization noted that the areas covered by the project are all in Southern Leyte province in the central Visayas region, which lies along a fault line and is also often battered by powerful typhoons.
According to them, the province was chosen (for the project) being one of the country's top 10 provinces highly prone to natural disasters like floods, tsunamis, storm surges, landslides, earthquakes, and typhoons.
They recalled that in 2006, heavy rain triggered a deadly mudslide that buried the entire village of Guinsaugon in Southern Leyte, killing more 1,000 people in one of the country's worst natural disasters of recent years.
PBSP said the deaths were blamed on a lack of proper seismic and weather equipment and an alert system that could have immediately led to a mass evacuation adding that the project's web-based information system enables officials from the towns to use BlackBerries and laptops to access and quickly spread alerts or store surveillance data, before, during and after disasters.
“The Philippines is considered among the world's most vulnerable countries to natural disasters. It sits on the Pacific's earthquake and volcano belt, and is battered by an average of 20 typhoons a year,” they stated.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Lausanne Movement Calls on Christians to Support Japan
The Lausanne Movement has called on Christians to do everything they can to offer comfort, encouragement and tangible support to Japan as it struggles with a nuclear crisis and a massive recovery effort.
Tsunami survivors cook and eat in front
of their damaged house, picture by AP
The call is contained in a report by Brian Hutt of Christian Today ( adding that thousands of people have been killed by last Friday’s 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami, which has devastated whole swathes of Japan’s north-eastern region.
450,000 People Staying in Temporary Shelters
He noted that around 450,000 people are staying in temporary shelters, while food and water remain in short supply adding that in a rare televised address, Japanese Emperor AkihitoAkihito said he was praying for the people of Japan and admitted that he was “deeply worried” about the nuclear situation.
He said that seawater has been pumped into the Fukushima Daiichi plant in a desperate effort to cool the reactors but radiation levels have surged in recent days, prompting serious health concerns.
According to Hut, more than 140,000 people living within 19 miles of the plant have been ordered to stay indoors but many people are trying to move further south or leave Japan altogether to avoid any risk of contamination from leaked radiation.
Lausanne Movement Expressed Profound Sadness over Disaster
Speaking on this development, the International Director of the Lausanne Movement, Lindsay BrownLindsay Brown expressed his “profound sadness” over the disaster that has hit Japan.
“We grieve at the loss of life and the unimaginable devastation being experienced by the Japanese people. Our prayers, and the prayers of the Lausanne family, are with our brothers and sisters in Japan. We pray for strength for them as they struggle to comprehend these enormous losses in light of the hope we have as believers in Christ,” he said in a statement.
Impact of ACT Alliance of Christian Development Agencies
The ACT Alliance of Christian development agencies said today that the relief supply needs at evacuation sites were increasing adding that the sites were reporting a lack of food, water, electricity, health and hygiene kits, and blankets. The need for stoves had become “critical” following a drop in temperatures and the arrival of snow.
Also speaking, the advocacy officer for World Vision Japan, Mitsuko Sobata, said her organization is in one of the worst hit cities, Sendai describing the situation there as: “Last night, I visited one of the shelters housing some of the 340,000 people who have been evacuated around the city.
She continued: “Children are sleeping on cardboard with one blanket in freezing weather. It was very difficult for me to see that.”
World Vision Gathering Relief Supplies
According to her, World Vision is gathering relief supplies for thousands of people affected by the disaster and that a relief team was making its way today to the city of Tome, 250 miles north of Tokyo, to distribute clean water, blankets and other essentials to 4,500 survivors.
Head of emergencies at World Vision UK, Mark Bulpitt, said: “The sheer scale of this disaster is as bad as anything we’ve seen globally. Our experts on the ground are constantly assessing the situation and will focus on the specific needs of children, many of whom will be deeply affected by this experience.”
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The Lausanne Movement has called on Christians to do everything they can to offer comfort, encouragement and tangible support to Japan as it struggles with a nuclear crisis and a massive recovery effort.
Tsunami survivors cook and eat in front
of their damaged house, picture by AP
The call is contained in a report by Brian Hutt of Christian Today ( adding that thousands of people have been killed by last Friday’s 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami, which has devastated whole swathes of Japan’s north-eastern region.
450,000 People Staying in Temporary Shelters
He noted that around 450,000 people are staying in temporary shelters, while food and water remain in short supply adding that in a rare televised address, Japanese Emperor AkihitoAkihito said he was praying for the people of Japan and admitted that he was “deeply worried” about the nuclear situation.
He said that seawater has been pumped into the Fukushima Daiichi plant in a desperate effort to cool the reactors but radiation levels have surged in recent days, prompting serious health concerns.
According to Hut, more than 140,000 people living within 19 miles of the plant have been ordered to stay indoors but many people are trying to move further south or leave Japan altogether to avoid any risk of contamination from leaked radiation.
Lausanne Movement Expressed Profound Sadness over Disaster
Speaking on this development, the International Director of the Lausanne Movement, Lindsay BrownLindsay Brown expressed his “profound sadness” over the disaster that has hit Japan.
“We grieve at the loss of life and the unimaginable devastation being experienced by the Japanese people. Our prayers, and the prayers of the Lausanne family, are with our brothers and sisters in Japan. We pray for strength for them as they struggle to comprehend these enormous losses in light of the hope we have as believers in Christ,” he said in a statement.
Impact of ACT Alliance of Christian Development Agencies
The ACT Alliance of Christian development agencies said today that the relief supply needs at evacuation sites were increasing adding that the sites were reporting a lack of food, water, electricity, health and hygiene kits, and blankets. The need for stoves had become “critical” following a drop in temperatures and the arrival of snow.
Also speaking, the advocacy officer for World Vision Japan, Mitsuko Sobata, said her organization is in one of the worst hit cities, Sendai describing the situation there as: “Last night, I visited one of the shelters housing some of the 340,000 people who have been evacuated around the city.
She continued: “Children are sleeping on cardboard with one blanket in freezing weather. It was very difficult for me to see that.”
World Vision Gathering Relief Supplies
According to her, World Vision is gathering relief supplies for thousands of people affected by the disaster and that a relief team was making its way today to the city of Tome, 250 miles north of Tokyo, to distribute clean water, blankets and other essentials to 4,500 survivors.
Head of emergencies at World Vision UK, Mark Bulpitt, said: “The sheer scale of this disaster is as bad as anything we’ve seen globally. Our experts on the ground are constantly assessing the situation and will focus on the specific needs of children, many of whom will be deeply affected by this experience.”
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Philippines Experiences Mild Tsunami Waves
Philippines, a country located in the Southeast Asia on Friday experienced a very mild tsunami and left no damage or casualties even as lots of people fled the coastal areas for fear of being affected.
One of the floodings that devastated the Philippines in the past
This indication is contained in a report by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) adding that this is coming just few days away from the a massive quake and tsunami hit Japan, leaving untold casualties which is rising per day.
The report said waves of between 30 centimeters (one foot) and one meter (3.3 feet) were recorded across the length of the archipelago's east coast between 6:00 pm and 8:44 pm (1000-1244 GMT).
Speaking on this recent development, the Chief State Seismologist and director of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology, RenatoRenato Solidum stated: "We have no intention of lowering the tsunami alert for the time being."
He confirmed that there has been no reported damage or casualties in the country stressing that the government warned communities all along its Pacific seaboard to flee inland hours after an 8.9 quake struck off Japan's main island.
Its President, Benigno Aquino's who spoke through a spokesman, Edwin Lacierda said the entire eastern seaboard up to 40 meters (131.2 feet) from the water's edge would be cleared of people as a precaution.
He noted that local officials had enforced the order by the time the first waves arrived at dusk adding that more than 2,500 families have been evacuated from two provinces. “The government had ordered the coasts of 19 provinces cleared.”
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Philippines, a country located in the Southeast Asia on Friday experienced a very mild tsunami and left no damage or casualties even as lots of people fled the coastal areas for fear of being affected.
One of the floodings that devastated the Philippines in the past
This indication is contained in a report by the Agence France-Presse (AFP) adding that this is coming just few days away from the a massive quake and tsunami hit Japan, leaving untold casualties which is rising per day.
The report said waves of between 30 centimeters (one foot) and one meter (3.3 feet) were recorded across the length of the archipelago's east coast between 6:00 pm and 8:44 pm (1000-1244 GMT).
Speaking on this recent development, the Chief State Seismologist and director of the Philippine Institute of Volcanology, RenatoRenato Solidum stated: "We have no intention of lowering the tsunami alert for the time being."
He confirmed that there has been no reported damage or casualties in the country stressing that the government warned communities all along its Pacific seaboard to flee inland hours after an 8.9 quake struck off Japan's main island.
Its President, Benigno Aquino's who spoke through a spokesman, Edwin Lacierda said the entire eastern seaboard up to 40 meters (131.2 feet) from the water's edge would be cleared of people as a precaution.
He noted that local officials had enforced the order by the time the first waves arrived at dusk adding that more than 2,500 families have been evacuated from two provinces. “The government had ordered the coasts of 19 provinces cleared.”
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Nigerian Traders Call for Establishment of National Commercial Courts
A group of Nigerian traders under the auspices of National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS) ( has called on the Nigerian Federal Government to urgently establish the National Commercial Courts.
This call is contained in a statement by it National President, Mr. Ben Ukaoha Esq. adding that this is to facilitate the quick dispensation and resolution of purely (within the border) commercial disputes, particularly as concerns the implementation of regional policies in member states. This consideration would have a positive spill-over effect on intra-regional trade.
Mr. Ken Ukaoha Esq NANTS President
On the need for synergy between National Laws and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Treaty, he observed that there is greater need for synergy between national laws and ECOWAS Treaty and Protocols in other to fast-track compliance of the latter by member states.
In order to strengthen the legal department of NANTS, Ukaoha noted that the legal department of NANTS needs to be strengthened in order to formidably assist in seeking redress and/or represent traders in actionable matters in the Courts, particularly when and where their “rights to trade” are infringed upon through arbitrary imposition of rules.
Others are unnecessary delays of goods at the border resulting in loses to the importer/exporter, harassments of women cross border traders, illegal non-tariff barriers, etc.
He called for specific sanctions for member states that have more than the approved number of check points on border routes. One serious bane of integration in ECOWAS is the lack or absence of sanction mechanism to deter member states officials from the tendency of impunity and arbitrariness in operations and enforcement of rules or adherence to obligations.
According to him, there should be a developed regional emblem/sticker to be used on goods that have passed custom checks. This would reduce and or eliminate repeated checks which cause undue delays at the borders.
“In the same vein, Security arrangements at border points and along border routes should be harmonized to avoid multiple checks and harassment of importers," he stated.”
On ways to improved inter-agency coordination, NANTS National President said there should be greater inter-agency cooperation at the borders, particularly, between the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) of all member states.
“In fact, ECOWAS should work towards designing a proper coordination mechanism which binds the Customs of member states together even with frequent meetings with other agencies located at the border,” he further stated.
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A group of Nigerian traders under the auspices of National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS) ( has called on the Nigerian Federal Government to urgently establish the National Commercial Courts.
This call is contained in a statement by it National President, Mr. Ben Ukaoha Esq. adding that this is to facilitate the quick dispensation and resolution of purely (within the border) commercial disputes, particularly as concerns the implementation of regional policies in member states. This consideration would have a positive spill-over effect on intra-regional trade.
Mr. Ken Ukaoha Esq NANTS President
On the need for synergy between National Laws and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Treaty, he observed that there is greater need for synergy between national laws and ECOWAS Treaty and Protocols in other to fast-track compliance of the latter by member states.
In order to strengthen the legal department of NANTS, Ukaoha noted that the legal department of NANTS needs to be strengthened in order to formidably assist in seeking redress and/or represent traders in actionable matters in the Courts, particularly when and where their “rights to trade” are infringed upon through arbitrary imposition of rules.
Others are unnecessary delays of goods at the border resulting in loses to the importer/exporter, harassments of women cross border traders, illegal non-tariff barriers, etc.
He called for specific sanctions for member states that have more than the approved number of check points on border routes. One serious bane of integration in ECOWAS is the lack or absence of sanction mechanism to deter member states officials from the tendency of impunity and arbitrariness in operations and enforcement of rules or adherence to obligations.
According to him, there should be a developed regional emblem/sticker to be used on goods that have passed custom checks. This would reduce and or eliminate repeated checks which cause undue delays at the borders.
“In the same vein, Security arrangements at border points and along border routes should be harmonized to avoid multiple checks and harassment of importers," he stated.”
On ways to improved inter-agency coordination, NANTS National President said there should be greater inter-agency cooperation at the borders, particularly, between the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) of all member states.
“In fact, ECOWAS should work towards designing a proper coordination mechanism which binds the Customs of member states together even with frequent meetings with other agencies located at the border,” he further stated.
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Japan: Nigeria Sends Solidarity Message
The Federal Government of Nigeria has sent a message of solidarity to the government and people of Japan over the last Friday’s tsunami and quake that devastated the Asian nation and resulted to the tragic loss of lives and property.
Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan of Nigeria
This message is contained in letter by the Nigerian President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and addressed to the Prime Minister Naoto KanNaoto Kan and made public on Friday, March 11.
In the letter President Jonathan conveyed the solidarity of the government and people of Nigeria with Japan as it strives to cope with the devastating aftermath of the colossal natural disaster and give relief to affected persons and areas.
Jonathan stated: “Our hearts go out to the families of all those who have lost their lives, as well as others who have suffered sundry injuries and losses in this disaster.”
“In expressing our solidarity with the Japanese government and people at this time, we pray to God Almighty for strength, succor and quick recovery in the affected areas,” the President wrote.
It’s to noted that Japan's massive earthquake rocked the northern part of the country with an 8.9 magnitude quake and then a 30-foot tall tsunami wave.
Analyst described it as Japan’s tsunami worst crisis since world war 11 and it’ll be observed that people across a devastated swath of Japan suffered for a third day Sunday without water, electricity and proper food, as the country grappled with the enormity of a massive earthquake and tsunami that has left untold hardship to the people.
Again two nuclear reactors have suffered partial meltdowns since the earthquake, while families around Japan's earthquake-ravaged region are reunited with loved ones.
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The Federal Government of Nigeria has sent a message of solidarity to the government and people of Japan over the last Friday’s tsunami and quake that devastated the Asian nation and resulted to the tragic loss of lives and property.
Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan of Nigeria
This message is contained in letter by the Nigerian President, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and addressed to the Prime Minister Naoto KanNaoto Kan and made public on Friday, March 11.
In the letter President Jonathan conveyed the solidarity of the government and people of Nigeria with Japan as it strives to cope with the devastating aftermath of the colossal natural disaster and give relief to affected persons and areas.
Jonathan stated: “Our hearts go out to the families of all those who have lost their lives, as well as others who have suffered sundry injuries and losses in this disaster.”
“In expressing our solidarity with the Japanese government and people at this time, we pray to God Almighty for strength, succor and quick recovery in the affected areas,” the President wrote.
It’s to noted that Japan's massive earthquake rocked the northern part of the country with an 8.9 magnitude quake and then a 30-foot tall tsunami wave.
Analyst described it as Japan’s tsunami worst crisis since world war 11 and it’ll be observed that people across a devastated swath of Japan suffered for a third day Sunday without water, electricity and proper food, as the country grappled with the enormity of a massive earthquake and tsunami that has left untold hardship to the people.
Again two nuclear reactors have suffered partial meltdowns since the earthquake, while families around Japan's earthquake-ravaged region are reunited with loved ones.
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How 60-year Old Japanese Man Survived Tsunami
It was all songs of joy for a 60-year Japanese man who survived the tsunami that hit the country on Friday, by clinging to the swept-away remnants of his home on the sea for more than two days.
This revelation is contained in a report by Minami Sanriku of CNN adding that Hiromitsu Shinkawa who was found more than nine miles out of the sea simply declared: "I thought today was the last day of my life."
Hiromitsu Shinkawa waving to a rescue team picture by AP/Defence Ministry
He said that Shinkawa was found on Sunday March 13, 2011, by the rescue team, Maritime Self-Defense Force waving his hands to them and that when they spotted him, he was floating off the coast of Fukushima's Futaba town on the roof of his house after being swept away in a tsunami. He was in good condition.
Sanriku noted that amazing stories of survival began to emerge in Japan, even amid the horrific destruction of the massive quake and subsequent tsunami that has killed nearly 1,600, destroyed tens of thousands of homes and stoked fears of a potential nuclear power plant meltdown.
He said that a woman was found clinging to tree during tsunami, while other survivors were found in car in debris scattered all over the places.
According to Sanriku, three elderly people were found alive in a smashed car that had been tossed by the tsunami adding that another woman clung to branches in a tree and took her chances by grabbing onto a floor mat that drifted nearby.
“The rushing currents pushed her around and around, past many buildings. Her daughter was washed away and remains missing,” he stated.
For more from this writer, click here:
It was all songs of joy for a 60-year Japanese man who survived the tsunami that hit the country on Friday, by clinging to the swept-away remnants of his home on the sea for more than two days.
This revelation is contained in a report by Minami Sanriku of CNN adding that Hiromitsu Shinkawa who was found more than nine miles out of the sea simply declared: "I thought today was the last day of my life."
Hiromitsu Shinkawa waving to a rescue team picture by AP/Defence Ministry
He said that Shinkawa was found on Sunday March 13, 2011, by the rescue team, Maritime Self-Defense Force waving his hands to them and that when they spotted him, he was floating off the coast of Fukushima's Futaba town on the roof of his house after being swept away in a tsunami. He was in good condition.
Sanriku noted that amazing stories of survival began to emerge in Japan, even amid the horrific destruction of the massive quake and subsequent tsunami that has killed nearly 1,600, destroyed tens of thousands of homes and stoked fears of a potential nuclear power plant meltdown.
He said that a woman was found clinging to tree during tsunami, while other survivors were found in car in debris scattered all over the places.
According to Sanriku, three elderly people were found alive in a smashed car that had been tossed by the tsunami adding that another woman clung to branches in a tree and took her chances by grabbing onto a floor mat that drifted nearby.
“The rushing currents pushed her around and around, past many buildings. Her daughter was washed away and remains missing,” he stated.
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Ten Iraqi Soldiers Killed by Suicide Bomber
A suicide attacker in Baghdad rammed a truck loaded with heavy explosive thereby resulting to the death of ten soldiers, while 29 people were seriously wounded.
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani
AFP report said that the incident occurred outside Iraqi army intelligence office in the country's east and that Diyala health directorate spokesman Faris al-Azawi said the blast which happened around 6 a.m. Monday had 14 other soldiers wounded.
According to the report, the suicide bomber drove his booby-trapped car past the security gate and blew up right outside the army battalion's headquarters in Kanan, east of the provincial capital of Baqouba, 35 miles (60 kilometers) northeast of Baghdad.
Faris al-Azawi said emergency workers were frantically trying to rescue victims from beneath the rubble adding that a second bomb was discovered nearby but diffused by officials before it could explode.
A suicide attacker in Baghdad rammed a truck loaded with heavy explosive thereby resulting to the death of ten soldiers, while 29 people were seriously wounded.
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani
AFP report said that the incident occurred outside Iraqi army intelligence office in the country's east and that Diyala health directorate spokesman Faris al-Azawi said the blast which happened around 6 a.m. Monday had 14 other soldiers wounded.
According to the report, the suicide bomber drove his booby-trapped car past the security gate and blew up right outside the army battalion's headquarters in Kanan, east of the provincial capital of Baqouba, 35 miles (60 kilometers) northeast of Baghdad.
Faris al-Azawi said emergency workers were frantically trying to rescue victims from beneath the rubble adding that a second bomb was discovered nearby but diffused by officials before it could explode.
Swiss Biostadt and Syngenta Partner to Boost Farmers’ Productivity
The agricultural giants, Swiss Biostadt and Syngenta, are set to partner in order to seek fresh options that will boost farmers’ productivity, improve incomes and guarantee food security.
This indication is contained in a communiqué at the end of the training meeting between the two organizations held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria where the two firms made a survey of the Nigerian agro-ecological zones with a view to understanding emerging challenges faced by farmers.
African farmer working
Speaking during the meeting, the Head North and West Africa of Syngenta, Patrick Mirbey, said: “It became clear to us during the visits to farmers’ fields that pest and diseases are still a major challenge. Another is weeds and low on-farm productivity.”
He noted that across Africa, farmers suffer low productivity due to a plethora of problems that include inadequate availability of inputs such as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and poor extension services among others.
Poor Knowledge Frustrates Yields
According to him, in some cases where inputs are available, which is usually not the case, misapplication due to poor knowledge frustrates yields and place farmers in poverty adding that over the years, Swiss Biostadt and Syngenta have been providing crop improvement solutions by way of improved seeds, pesticides, and the training of farmers on improved agronomic practices.
“No doubt, this strategy has yielded result and we are reviewing how best farmers can access and adopt our new innovations and services,” Mirbey added.
He maintained that the training, which was attended by delivery specialists, agronomists and other company experts reviewed bottlenecks in the agricultural value chain and also marshaled out plans for a way forward.
The High Rate of Postharvest Losses
In his own contribution, Managing Director, Swiss Biostadt Nigeria, Mr. Emmanuel Ajayi said: “Again what we observed during the survey was the high rate of postharvest losses especially in vegetables.”
He emphasized that available data in Africa show that postharvest losses have remained a big constraint with estimate ranging from 50 percent and above depending on countries and crops. With a porous infrastructure, postharvest losses have been recorded even in famine-prone regions of the continent.
He noted that solutions on the table include the training of farmers on better use and application of pesticides, herbicides, and improved seeds. “What we are looking at, in postharvest for instance, is to offer farmers seed varieties with longer shelf life such that even without preservation facilities, their crops will not perish on time.
According to him, the two companies would continue to offer farmers genuine products and services stressing that the aim was to make the farmer happier by making agriculture more attractive, improving incomes and livelihoods. “At the end of the day, we want to make the life of the farmer better.”
About IITA
IITA is an international non-profit R4D organization since 1967, governed by a Board of Trustees, and supported primarily by the CGIAR.
It develops agricultural solutions with its partners to tackle hunger and poverty. Its award winning research for development (R4D) is based on focused, authoritative thinking anchored on the development needs of sub-Saharan Africa.
The organization works with partners in Africa and beyond to reduce producer and consumer risks, enhance crop quality and productivity, and generate wealth from agriculture.
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The agricultural giants, Swiss Biostadt and Syngenta, are set to partner in order to seek fresh options that will boost farmers’ productivity, improve incomes and guarantee food security.
This indication is contained in a communiqué at the end of the training meeting between the two organizations held at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria where the two firms made a survey of the Nigerian agro-ecological zones with a view to understanding emerging challenges faced by farmers.
African farmer working
Speaking during the meeting, the Head North and West Africa of Syngenta, Patrick Mirbey, said: “It became clear to us during the visits to farmers’ fields that pest and diseases are still a major challenge. Another is weeds and low on-farm productivity.”
He noted that across Africa, farmers suffer low productivity due to a plethora of problems that include inadequate availability of inputs such as pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and poor extension services among others.
Poor Knowledge Frustrates Yields
According to him, in some cases where inputs are available, which is usually not the case, misapplication due to poor knowledge frustrates yields and place farmers in poverty adding that over the years, Swiss Biostadt and Syngenta have been providing crop improvement solutions by way of improved seeds, pesticides, and the training of farmers on improved agronomic practices.
“No doubt, this strategy has yielded result and we are reviewing how best farmers can access and adopt our new innovations and services,” Mirbey added.
He maintained that the training, which was attended by delivery specialists, agronomists and other company experts reviewed bottlenecks in the agricultural value chain and also marshaled out plans for a way forward.
The High Rate of Postharvest Losses
In his own contribution, Managing Director, Swiss Biostadt Nigeria, Mr. Emmanuel Ajayi said: “Again what we observed during the survey was the high rate of postharvest losses especially in vegetables.”
He emphasized that available data in Africa show that postharvest losses have remained a big constraint with estimate ranging from 50 percent and above depending on countries and crops. With a porous infrastructure, postharvest losses have been recorded even in famine-prone regions of the continent.
He noted that solutions on the table include the training of farmers on better use and application of pesticides, herbicides, and improved seeds. “What we are looking at, in postharvest for instance, is to offer farmers seed varieties with longer shelf life such that even without preservation facilities, their crops will not perish on time.
According to him, the two companies would continue to offer farmers genuine products and services stressing that the aim was to make the farmer happier by making agriculture more attractive, improving incomes and livelihoods. “At the end of the day, we want to make the life of the farmer better.”
About IITA
IITA is an international non-profit R4D organization since 1967, governed by a Board of Trustees, and supported primarily by the CGIAR.
It develops agricultural solutions with its partners to tackle hunger and poverty. Its award winning research for development (R4D) is based on focused, authoritative thinking anchored on the development needs of sub-Saharan Africa.
The organization works with partners in Africa and beyond to reduce producer and consumer risks, enhance crop quality and productivity, and generate wealth from agriculture.
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